How many Reserved words/Keywords are available in Java?
In Java, There are 53 reserved words are available to represent some meaning
or functionality such type of words are called as reserved words.
Reserved Words(53)
|-----Reserved Literals(3) true,false,null
|----Used Keywords(48)
|----Unused Keywords(2) goto,const
Keywords for Data types(8)
|----byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean
Keywords for Flow Control(11)
|----if, else, switch, case, default, while, do, for, break, continue, return
Keywords for Modifiers(11)
|----public, protected, private, final, static, abstract, native, synchronized, volatile, transient, strictfp
Keywords for Exception Handling(6)
|----try, catch, finally, throw, throws, assert
Class related Keywords(6)
|----class, interface, package, import, implements, extends
Object related Keywords(4)
|----new, super, this, instanceof
Void return type Keyword(1)
Unused Keywords(2)
goto:- Usage of "goto" keyword, created several problems in old languages. Hence Sun people banned this keyword in Java.
const:- We can use "final" keyword instead of "const" keyword.
Note:- By mistake if we are using these two keywords then we will compile time error.
or functionality such type of words are called as reserved words.
Reserved Words(53)
|-----Reserved Literals(3) true,false,null
|----Used Keywords(48)
|----Unused Keywords(2) goto,const
Keywords for Data types(8)
|----byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean
Keywords for Flow Control(11)
|----if, else, switch, case, default, while, do, for, break, continue, return
Keywords for Modifiers(11)
|----public, protected, private, final, static, abstract, native, synchronized, volatile, transient, strictfp
Keywords for Exception Handling(6)
|----try, catch, finally, throw, throws, assert
Class related Keywords(6)
|----class, interface, package, import, implements, extends
Object related Keywords(4)
|----new, super, this, instanceof
Void return type Keyword(1)
Unused Keywords(2)
goto:- Usage of "goto" keyword, created several problems in old languages. Hence Sun people banned this keyword in Java.
const:- We can use "final" keyword instead of "const" keyword.
Note:- By mistake if we are using these two keywords then we will compile time error.